Monday, October 21, 2013

"The American Dream"

The "American Dream" is something that all of us as Americans have at least heard of. Merriam-Webster defines it as "an American social ideal that stresses egalitarianism and especially material prosperity". For those of us that have lived here our whole life, I think the idea of the American Dream is different then those who move here. 

When you are born and raised here in the United States you grow up with many of the rights and values already provided to you versus someone who is coming from a country that may not have those things. Freedom and equality are rights that are highly valued here but elsewhere that might be something someone comes here to seek. Since we are born into that society there are more areas to the "American Dream" we focus on, things like fame and wealth. I think that our materialistic society pushes this concept of wealth being the main point of the "American Dream" now.

Is the American Dream still alive? I would say yes. For the people coming here from another country many of the hopes of opportunity, freedom, and better life stand true. Is it guaranteed for them? No, but it is at least a possibility. For citizens born here, there hope is to perhaps increase their wealth, still a possibility. Not easy perhaps, but still a definite dream.

The American Dream is alive, though maybe slightly altered. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Class and Education

At this point I have had a number of odd jobs here and there. None of them did I require any advanced education for. While in all of them I was surrounded by coworkers of varying education levels, it didn't seem to matter too much. Though I've worked with many people that have more education then I do I never felt as if I were lower then them. 

Currently I work at a restaurant as a hostess. We have a one or two people still in high school, some college kids, and the rest are adults many of which have some form of higher education. One situation that stands out to me is that we have someone who some might consider "less educated". He does not speak English super well, but he is an extremely hard and good worker. I think many of the people don't recognize or appreciate how hard he works because of these things. I find it so unfair and frustrating because he really is such an important part to making the restaurant run smoothly. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Interview: Kaylah Baylor

Kaylah Baylor

 Kaylah was born in Philadelphia, but decided to grace us with her fun personality here in Allentown when she decided on attending CCC. She's currently a junior majoring in New Media.  While video games take up a main point of interest for Kaylah she likes all technology in general. Once she completes her studies she wants to get out and be successful, as do the rest of us, but is unsure of exactly what she wants to do. She does know one thing and its that she wants to make a difference in peoples' lives. Her hopes are to help them avoid some of the struggles she's had, to learn from her mistakes rather then have to have them on their own. I asked Kaylah what inspired her most and her response was simply the beauty that is in the world around us because she wants to add to it. I don't see too much standing in her way but she fears she will be what holds herself back. All of us here at college have started to learn quite a bit so I wanted to see what would be one thing she's learned she'd like to share with others, "Don't let the things you've been through hold you back", was her bit of wisdom for us. I don't think this was the only thing she could share with us, as my interview with her went on I found her to be kind, intelligent, and charismatic. Kaylah believes that in a perfect world we would communicate through our hearts with no judgement, I think just another example of her wisdom. 

Before I let Kaylah return to her day I had to have a bit of fun and ask some, well, oddball questions. So I asked her if she had ever stolen a pen from work, and of course like the rest of have at one point or another, the answer was yes. She did however point out it was not technically on purpose, but an accident. My other rather off-topic question for her was what song best described her work ethic, this posed a bit of a struggle for her and resulted in some music-listening for a bit, in the end her choice was Sick Of It by Skillet.

Her last bit of for me was when I asked for some pictures. I got the lovely picture you see above where she appears there on the left, then I received this, thanks!